Do you know where you will spend eternity? This short article, titled The Gospel of Salvation, may be the most important information you ever read. This is an excellent way to Study the Word.
Pray for USA Today Americans Pray for USA Today We need Salvation First- Get Right with God First No matter what I say politically in this site, Christ’s Death, Burial, and Ressurection as Paul speaks of in 1 Cor 15:1-4 is the only path I pray for each of you. I have put my heart
Scotus kicked the Biden and the EPA back to beginning #Wetlands Thank God for SCOTUS. In 2006 this subdivision was created by the previous owner. In 2007 Obama slapped by supreme court rewrote the EPA law so they could steel any adjacent property to wetlands. They took 50% of every lot including my current established
Mr Cool is the best solution to a bad situation. We lost our 20-year-old AC unit. The cost for a central AC system was well over our budget. I have been telling my wife that when the AC fails, I wanted to go to a zone system. The efficiency of these split systems far exceeded