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Excellent Study of Rightly Dividing from the Berean Bible Society

13 April 2023 at 03:46
berean bible SocietyTheΒ Transformed By GraceΒ television program of theΒ Berean Bible SocietyΒ is on the air! For many years, the Lord bore fruit through the ministry of ourΒ Bible TimeΒ radio broadcasts. Pastor C. R. Stam and my father, Paul Sadler, both faithfully shared the Word, rightly divided,

Who is Our Triune God in the Bible?

6 March 2023 at 18:25
time line now on Who is Our GodFocus on what Les is saying and go through the Bible verses he covers. Because it is by studying his word that your Faith will Grows and we find Who is Our Triune God.

Rightly Divide the Word Can Start off well.

28 February 2023 at 06:55
Rightly Divide the WordRightly Divide the Word - Once you understand how powerful this principle of letting Jesus be the key to understanding and applying God's Word to your life is, you will no longer be troubled by obscure passages in the Bible.


14 November 2023 at 07:30
The MYSTERY β€œHid in God” was the divine purpose to make of Jew and Gentile a whole new thing, that is, the Church, which is Christ’s Body. The revelation of this Mystery was committed to Paul, and it is in his writings alone that we find the doctrine, position, walk and destiny of the Church

Is this True Today?

5 September 2023 at 06:33
Today we have the Completed Word of God. If you believe in tongues, I would hope this site and others I have would make the Bible more alive to you. Religion has done a poor Job of Rightly dividing the Word of God. Checkout the resources here.

America Going down Fast

24 November 2024 at 05:54
Originally posted 2021-02-23 20:23:02. I have watched the voting process totally destroyed, I have watched the FBI and Justice Department disintegrate. I have watched the deeper divide of congress daily. And finally, the supreme court is turning political more everyday. America has said no to God God and country doesn’t exist A baby may never