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Presidents' Day: Left-Wing Salon Compares β€˜Aspiring Dictator’ Trump to Hitler

President Donald Trump is an β€œaspiring dictator,” likened to both Nazi leader Adolf Hitler and Roman emperor Augustus Caesar, according to a Presidents Day Salon piece that warns his presidency is leading to the downfall of American democracy.

The post Presidents’ Day: Left-Wing Salon Compares β€˜Aspiring Dictator’ Trump to Hitler appeared first on Breitbart.

Biden Declares 'Oligarchy' of 'Extreme Wealth, Power' Threatens Democracy'

President Joe Biden declared during his farewell address that an "oligarchy" of the "ultra-wealthy" and powerful is forming that "threatens our entire democracy."

The post Biden Declares β€˜Oligarchy’ of β€˜Extreme Wealth, Power’ Threatens Democracy’ appeared first on Breitbart.
