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'New Era' -- Firewall Around AfD Broken as Merkel Party Joins With Populists in Migration Vote

In what may serve as a pivotal moment of the federal election campaign and perhaps the future of German politics as a whole, the 'firewall' baring establishment parties in Berlin from working with the AfD broke down on Wednesday as Angela Merkel's former party partnered with the populist party on a vote calling forΒ migration restrictions.

The post β€˜New Era’ β€” Firewall Around AfD Broken as Merkel Party Joins With Populists in Migration Vote appeared first on Breitbart.

Sweden to Step Up Restrictions for Citizenship, as Approved Asylum Permits Fall to 40-Year Low

The conservative government of Sweden announced plans to further tighten citizenship requirements this year as the Nordic nation continues to reverse course on the previous open borders policies that radically transformed the country.

The post Sweden to Step Up Restrictions for Citizenship, as Approved Asylum Permits Fall to 40-Year Low appeared first on Breitbart.
