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Open Bible under Zion’s Hope

14 September 2024 at 14:16
This has to with the church using replacement theology, not rightly dividing the word. I am experiencing this today. I attend a church that believes we are under the new covenant, and we are a part of the Jewish church

David Reid at Columbus Bible Church

13 August 2024 at 11:37
David articulates Dispensation Very Well First, we all share in the Belief as Paul says many times, Faith and Faith alone leads us unto Salvation. A required point for many of us. But from their we deviate. I believe through the holy spirit, prayer, and reading my KJV bible that Paul teaches a rightly divided

Small Church big Message -Melchizedekian Priesthood

5 March 2024 at 08:46
David B Curtis of the Berean Bible Church studies Melchizedek This study seems to be a lean topic to study but David finds much to say about it. I like his approach to these two messages. I include his notes and audios below. He is a true Berean and this is a Berean Bible Church.


