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Why King James Bible?

17 September 2024 at 15:58
Robert does an excellent job of showed that the King James Bible is Holy Spirit inspired. I also believe what he says. Listen to what he says about the people who created the KJB. This is very enlightening.

Zion’s Hope -Prophecy Conference -Daniel’s 70th Week

14 September 2024 at 19:51
β€œWhy the 70th Week is Still Future” The timing of 70th Week – the final 7 years of this era of human history – is explored in Part 1-3 of this series

Open Bible under Zion’s Hope

14 September 2024 at 14:16
This has to with the church using replacement theology, not rightly dividing the word. I am experiencing this today. I attend a church that believes we are under the new covenant, and we are a part of the Jewish church

David Reid at Columbus Bible Church

13 August 2024 at 11:37
David articulates Dispensation Very Well First, we all share in the Belief as Paul says many times, Faith and Faith alone leads us unto Salvation. A required point for many of us. But from their we deviate. I believe through the holy spirit, prayer, and reading my KJV bible that Paul teaches a rightly divided

Another Excellent Dispensational Church

28 July 2024 at 19:07
Additionally, we study God's word, rightly divided, recognizing Paul's distinctive apostleship as outlined in his epistles. We love the Lord, His word, and each other, and are committed to glorifying our Saviour in all that we do. We invite you to join us for worship, Bible study, and fellowship! Our in-person meetings are on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings.

Valued interview between Ben and John

9 June 2024 at 12:35
It Hurts Because It's True ​​the Religious decline is only now tipping society slightly towards its inevitable conclusions…. lots of suffering to come if we don't tip the scale back towards sanity. And that sanity is religion.

Believe in Christ

11 May 2024 at 21:02
Great clip, and as a believer I must point out that the drama in the clip isn't hard to believe but does add to the account of what the bible says. One needs to read the accounts in Mathew, Mark. Luke and John. But for us Gentiles Paul's epistle provide much more enlightenment.

News on Exodus 1 and 19

12 September 2023 at 11:30
To understand this more clearly I am going to use Les Feldick Book study 3-3-3. Below is an Audio of his. He teaches much more on the covenant at LesFeldick.org


