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Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR)

6 January 2025 at 09:17
1 Min Read

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR)

The SBIR/STTR programs provide an opportunity for small, high technology companies and research institutions (RI) to participate in Government sponsored research and development (R&D) efforts in key technology areas. NASA SBIR Phase I contracts have a period of performance for 6 months with a maximum funding of $125,000, and Phase II contracts have a period of performance up to 24 months with a maximum funding of $750,000. The STTR Phase I contracts last for 13 months with a maximum funding of $125,000, and Phase II contracts last for 24 months with the maximum contract value of $750,000. 

SBIR/STTR Status Search


SBIR/STTR Extension Request Form

SBIR/STTR Electronic Handbook 

SBA – SBIR/STTR Policy Directive


6 January 2025 at 09:08
5 Min Read


The NSSC supports the Agency’s internal effort to create an environment conducive to streamlining and simplifying grants and cooperative agreements. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), through the establishment of the NSSC, has transitioned to a consolidated model for the award and administration of all Agency grants and cooperative agreements. The consolidation is designed to achieve efficient and effective service, improve data quality, standardize processes, leverage skills and investments, and provide economies of scale.

Grant Status Webpage

Grant Status Form

Grant Webforms

Grant/Cooperative Agreement Administrative Supplement Request
NSSC Web Inquiry

Grant PI Transfer Request

Grant PI Transfer Request

Award Terms and Conditions

General Award Terms and Conditions
Special Terms and Conditions
Program Specific Terms and Conditions
Appendix A: NASA Prior Approval Matrix for Research Awards
Appendix B: National Policy Requirements for Recipients of NASA Awards
Appendix C: Post-award Reporting and Certification Requirements

NASA Insignia Guidelines

Grantees are strongly encouraged to use the NASA Insignia Format identified in the guidelines at NASA Insignia Guidelines for NASA Grantees. These guidelines aim to increase awareness of NASA’s mission activities via Grantee partnerships for a broader and more diverse population.

Payment Management System

NASA uses a service provider, currently the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Payment Management System (PMS), to provide Federal funds to recipients. PMS will provide instructions to the recipients for registering and requesting funds through the system.

Routine Monitoring

NASA is responsible for routine post-award monitoring on all awards, regardless of the award’s risk determination. At a minimum, routine monitoring includes reviewing award recipients’ annual performance reports, semi-annual Federal Financial Report (FFR), and Transactions Testing Review.

Annual Performance Reports

All NASA award recipients must submit annual performance reports. Annual reports are due to NASA 60 days prior to the annual anniversary of the award’s POP start date (e.g., if the POP of an award is October 1 – September 30, the report would be due 60 days prior to October 1.)

Federal Financial Reports (SF-425)

Recipients will submit their semi-annual FFRs in PMS:

Period 1 (October 1 – March 31): Due by April 30 each year.

Period 2 (April 1 – September 30): Due by October 30 of each year.

Final FFRs are due 120 days after the end of the POP

Additional information and training are available on the Payment Management System website at The PMS help desk number is 1-877-614-5533. 

Transaction Testing Review

NASA will conduct an expenditure transaction test review once every five years during the period of performance of an award. In general, the purpose of transaction testing is to systematically test all payment/expenditure transactions from a selected quarter; identify potential unallowable, unallocable, or unreasonable costs.


NF 1206 – Assurance of Compliance Pursuant to Nondiscrimination

Post-Award Certifications and Representations

NASA Biographical Sketch Form

Current and Pending Support (CPS) Form

NASA Pre-Award and Post-Award Disclosure Requirements

Required Documentation for New and Supplement Awards

The document outlines the required documentation for New Awards, Multi-Year Funding Supplements, and Supplements (augmentations).

Required Documentation for New and Supplemental Grant and Cooperative Agreement Actions

Regulations and Guidance


Electronic Code of Federal Regulations

Class Deviations to 2 CFR 1800 FRN


NASA Grant and Cooperative Agreement Manual (GCAM): NASA’s Grant Manual for Proposers and Recipients

The NASA Grant and Cooperative Agreement Manual (GCAM) provides pre and post award policy guidance to NASA proposers and award-managing personnel and award recipients to implement government-wide and NASA-specific regulations for applying for, awarding and administering grants and cooperative agreements with educational and non-profit organizations; State, local, and Indian tribal governments; and for-profit organizations.

NASA Grant and Cooperative Agreement Terms and Conditions

In FY2025, NASA separated the Terms and Conditions from the GCAM to create a standalone document. This document outlines both the general and specific terms and conditions and applies to all awards issued under 2 CFR 1800 (NASA’s adoption of 2 CFR 200.)

Research Terms and Conditions (For Research Awards Issued Prior to October 1, 2024)

NASA implemented the Federal Wide research terms and conditions for all research and research-related grant and cooperative agreements awards issued under 2 CFR 1800 (NASA adoption of 2 CFR 200). The Research Terms and Conditions implement the requirements of the Uniform Guidance, and includes three companion documents:

RTC Appendix A: Prior Approval MatrixRTC Appendix B: Subaward Requirements, and RTC Appendix C: National Policy Requirements).

The Research Terms and Conditions and companion documents are accessible on the NSF website.

Grant Information Circulars (GIC)

Grant Notices (GNs)

NASA Office of Inspector General 

P.O. Box 23089
L’Enfant Plaza Station
Washington, D.C. 20026

To file a complaint regarding denial of equal opportunity or discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age; go to:​​​​​​​

NSSC Grants Payment Package
NASA Research Opportunities Online (NSPIRES)
System for Award Management (SAM)


6 January 2025 at 08:35
5 Min Read


The NSSC provides travel reimbursement services for all authorized Agency travel including: domestic, foreign, local, ETDY, and Change of Station (COS).


Federal Travel Regulations (FTR)
Traveler Extended TDY and Taxes
Domestic Per Diem Rates
Foreign Per Diem Rates

Change of Station

NSSC Travel now has another way that a transferee Traveler may submit his or her vouchers. Please see, submitting Change of Station Process Steps

If traveling CONUS, review: NASA’s Guide to a Successful Move (CONUS)

If traveling OCONUS, review: NASA’s Guide to a Successful Move (OCONUS)

Change of Station References

Change of Station Voucher Information And Samples

Allegiance POC Information

GSA Smart Pay State Tax Information

Change of Station and RITA

Change of Station ServiceNow Instructions

Change of Station Forms

NSSC Change of Station Form

OF 1012 Travel Voucher 

SF 1038 Advance of Funds Application and Account

NASA Form 1815 Tax Exemption Certificate (Tax on Occupancy of Hotel Rooms)

NF420  Service Agreement-First Duty Station Appointment

NF513 Service Agreement and Duplicate Reimbursement Disclosure Statement OCONUS Employment

NF1204 Employee’s Claim for Damage to, or Loss of, Personal Property Incident to Service

NF1337 Service Agreement-Transferred Employee

NF1338 Employee Application for Reimbursement of Expenses Incurred upon Sale or Purchase (or both) of Residence upon Change of Station

NF1449C  CONUS-Information Covering Persons Transferred or Appointed to First Duty Station

NF1449O OCONUS-Information Covering Persons Transferred or Appointed to First Duty Station

NF1450C CONUS Change of Station Authorization

NF1450O OCONUS Change of Station Authorization

NF1500 Claim for Temporary Quarters Subsistence Expense/Temporary Quarters Subsistence Allowance Reimbursement

NF1807 Househunting Trip Binding Decision

NF1808 Property Management Binding Decision

NF1809 Temporary Quarters Subsistence Expenses (TQSE) Binding Decision

NF1810 Employee Agreement to Repay Withholding Tax Allowance (WTA)

NF 1811 Temporary Quarters Subsistence Allowance (TQSA)

NF1812 Temporary Quarters Subsistence Allowance (TQSA) Preceding Final Departure

NF1813 Temporary Change of Station (TCS) Duplicate Reimbursement Disclosure Statement

NF1814 Temporary Quarters Subsistence Allowance (TQSA) Predeparture Binding Decision

Related Tax Information:

Check out the latest Taxability Change Notice for Change of Station travelers.
To learn more, see: Relocation Income Tax Allowance Information

Domestic Travel

POV Mileage for NASA Travelers
For Privately Owned Vehicle (POV) Mileage Reimbursement Rates for TDY and ETDY Travel please refer to the GSA Web site:   

NASA Domestic Travel: Day that Travel Ends
For the day travel ends (the day a traveler returns to the PDS, home, or other authorized point), the per diem allowance is 75% of M&IE. 

NASA Domestic Travel Rental Car Liability

When making a reservation for a rental car, please remember the Government is only responsible to pay for rental car charges for official travel time.  If a traveler decides to take annual leave in conjunction with official travel and keeps the rental car during annual leave, the portion of the rental rate applicable to annual leave is the responsibility of the traveler.  Please refer to 41 CFR 301-10.453

What is my liability for unauthorized use of a rental automobile obtained with Government funds?

You are responsible for any additional cost resulting from the unauthorized use of a commercial rental automobile for other than official travel-related purposes.

NASA Domestic Travel: Tax Exemption

Prior to traveling, refer to the GSA State Tax Information webpage: Select your State/US territory of interest to see the exemption status and download the appropriate form, if required.

Extended Temporary Duty (ETDY)

Reduced Per Diem rate

NASA’s standard reduced per diem rate for ETDY travel is 65 percent under the current policy as defined in the NASA Procedural Requirements (NPR) 9750.1-3.1.2.

     a.   Consistent with 41 CFR 301-11.200, an ETDY authorization can include reasonable further reductions from this standard rate or limitations on approved lodging for unique circumstances, to the extent it can be  determined in advance that such will substantially lower costs without mission impact.  For example, if lodging is obtained at 50 percent per diem, the ETDY authorization should be adjusted to authorize a lower rate. 

    b.   The reduced rate of reimbursement begins on the first day of travel regardless of the mode of transportation, except as noted in 3.1.3.  Allowances are covered by the reduced per diem rate; therefore, NASA will authorize the employee a per diem rate (up to 65 percent) to reasonably cover expenses for a one bedroom furnished apartment.  For ETDY greater than 90 days, first consideration should be given to long-term lodging facilities.  Long-term lodging facilities are available on the GSA schedule at  If a long-term facility is not selected, proper justification should be provided. 

Find more about Allowable ETDY Expenses Included in Reduced Per Diem Rate, please see the following document: 

Allowable ETDY Expenses Included in Reduced Per Diem Rate

GSA Long-term Lodging (Schedule 48)

GSA’s Schedule 48 is designed for lodging needs of 30 days or more. This program provides housing accommodations for temporary or permanent relocation. Typical facilities include apartment or condominium type properties that may be furnished with all the amenities of a regular home. The current list of vendors is available by clicking on the link above. Most of these properties will accommodate NASA Extended TDY travelers within the 65% reduce per diem rate and will allow use of the government charge card.

Foreign Travel

Please consult the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), NPR 9710.1, and NPR 9750.1. Please call the NSSC Contact Center at 1-877-NSSC-123 (1-877-677-2123) for additional information.
